
Blessed Reminders
for my sisters
a weekly fardhu ain class for ladies
In this course, Ustazah Farhana Munshi will share essential reminders for Ladies through an interactive and uplifting class.
Who this course is for
This class is suitable:
- For those who do not know where to start their Islamic learning journey.
- For ladies who wish to improve their Islamic knowledge
- For teenagers who wish to deepen their understanding of the religion
- Any woman struggling with the religion and really wanting to taste the sweetness of faith
- For women who would like to take their portion of Prophetic light
What you'll Learn
The course will cover the basic essentials of the religion - faith, worship and character building, from traditional sources linking all the way back to the Prophet ﷺ and showing how these teachings are not only relevant in our time, they are in fact essential in going through the trials in life.
- Age 16 & Above
Class Medium:
Every Saturday
05:30pm to 06.30pm
Online via Zoom
Free Admission
Registration Required

Ustazah Farhana Munshi
Ustazah Farhana Munshi began her education in Singapore, completing a degree in engineering in the National University of Singapore under the Scholars program, before an incident while on hajj changed her perspective on life.
She then embarked on her journey in the Islamic studies full time, studying first in the established Zaytuna Institute summer program for Arabic Studies, then continuing in Syria, before spending 4 years in Dar az-Zahra, Tarim, Yemen learning the foundations of the Deen at the feet of male and female scholars, and later translating for them.
She is now based in Singapore where she teaches ladies various Islamic sciences including Islamic Arabic, Qur’anic Tafseer, Prophetic History (sirah), Hadith, Jurisprudence and Aqidah (belief).